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Kommentarer på:  Ghost rider 5 - Back to basics
  • #1   27. feb 2007 nej har vi ikke. Jeg fik et brev fra dem igår. Og der skriver de at de stadig har problemer men den kommer her lgie så snart de er færdige. Derudover får vi 2 gratis gaver:D Samt at vi kan købe film nummer 6 og 7 til kun 10€ Dette gælder selvfølgelig kun os der har forudbestilt.

  • #2   27. feb 2007 hmm ok fatter heller ikke lige hvorfor den ikke er kommet har ellers også skrevet 4 mails til dem men de har ikke svaret mig endnu

  • #3   28. feb 2007 Dear fans and customers.

    As you know did we have a huge problem in the beginning with the new DVD
    factory we used to produce “GR5, back to basics” which you
    already know and unfortunately have that problem made that the film have
    been delayed months.

    We did in the first situation immediately contact the factory who had
    produced GR1-4 to help us print GR5, help which we got in just a few days,
    but unfortunately did they print GR5 on a DVD5 disc instead of a DVD9 disc
    which means that the film was compressed to hard with
    lower quality of the picture as a result – a huge mistake from us, Team
    GR, in our hunt to get GR5 out to you people as soon as possible after the
    first problem which we are deeply sorry for.

    We are now waiting for the GR5 DVD to be made for the 3rd time on a DVD9
    disc, a DVD which will be both double and triple checked before it will be
    sent out to you and that to be sure that the incredible scenes in GR5 will
    have the quality it deserve.

    We can’t say anything to help the situation for you who have preorder GR5
    and by that have been waiting for a long time for it to come
    except to try to tell you how sorry we really are for this
    embarrassing situation.

    But we will off course do everything in our power to compensate you for
    this delay and that by give all of you who have preorder GR5
    before February 26 2007 TWO FREE gifts and a BONUS CARD which will give
    you the possibility to buy GR6 or GR7 for only €10 – we do hope that this
    will help you accept the bad situation we have put you in.

    If you due to the situation instead want to cancel your order and get your
    money refunded please send us an e-mail at
    refund@ghostridermovie.net and we will take care of that as soon as possible.

    If you still have any questions regarding your preorder, please use this

    Very best regards,
    Team GR.

  • Martin A
    Martin A Tilmeldt:
    jun 2008

    Følger: 1 Svar: 18
    #4   20. dec 2008 Nogen der ved hvor man kan købe disse ghost rider film henne...?? Er der nogle forhandlere på sjælland man kan kører ud og hente dem hos, eller skal man købe på nettet...??

Kommentér på:
Ghost rider 5 - Back to basics
