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Kommentarer på:  Bortkomne tyske papirer
  • #1   5. jul 2023 Hvis den skal indregistreres kan den sagtens det. Igennem motorkontorer, kan du ansøge om import sf mc med bortkommet attest. De kan så undersøge om den er meldt stjålet i Tyskland.

  • #2   5. jul 2023 Okay. Tak for svar.
    Det vil jeg prøve. smiley

  • #3   6. jul 2023 Jeg søgte for en 7 år siden efter papirer eller information om en bmw der var importeret for 25 år siden, fra Tyskland.

    Ved ikke om det stadig er fremgangsmåden, men måske du kan bruge det til noget.
    Fik dette svar tilbage:
    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am happy to send you the necessary information from the Central Vehicle Register for the purpose of registration in Denmark.

    First of all, however, I would like to inform you that the Federal Motor Transport Authority has the registration certificates Part I and II (ZBI and II) vehicle registration letters/vehicle registration certificates neither in the original nor in photocopies or microfilming. I can therefore not make and send copies of these documents.

    If data is still stored, my information contains, among other things, the registration number, the date of deregistration, the number of the registration certificates parts I and II and the date of first registration. Furthermore, the information contains an indication of whether a search note is stored for the vehicle.

    I would like to note that records of vehicles that were finally decommissioned more than seven years ago have already been deleted in the ZFZR (§ 44 Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV)). Then it can only be confirmed whether a search note is stored for the vehicle.

    The decision as to whether the vehicle can be registered in Denmark must be made by the Danish authorities.

    If you need official information from the Federal Motor Transport Authority, you have two options to obtain information from the Central Vehicle Register for the purpose of registration in Denmark:


    You can contact your foreign central authority. In accordance with Art. 5.2 of EC Directive 1999/37, this sends a request to the e-mail address regina@kba.de. The answer will be sent by the Federal Motor Transport Authority to the foreign central authority.

    There are no costs for this request.


    You can request a private information from the Central Vehicle Register about your vehicle.

    Please contact the following e-mail address: referat22@kba.de

    However, this information costs €5.10, which I have to charge in advance.

    It may not be recognized by the foreign authority as an official certificate in accordance with Art. 5.2 of EC Directive 1999/37.

    If you need private information, please note this on your new request.

    I also need your complete postal address.

    I regret that I cannot help you for the time being and expect your further message if necessary.

    Best regards

    On behalf of

    Karen Nielsen-Schwering

    Federal Motor Transport Authority

    24932 Flensburg

    E-mail: referat22@kba.de

    Internet: www.kba.de

  • #4   6. jul 2023 Det skal lige siges at det var en bil, men det burde vel være ligemeget

  • #5   6. jul 2023 Mange tak, super brugbart.
    Jeg skriver l når jeg har fundet en løsning på problemet.


Kommentér på:
Bortkomne tyske papirer
