Afsøgnings gruppen efter stjålne motorcykler

Afsøgnings gruppen efter stjålne motorcykler

Medlemmer: 461
Forside Forum Medlemmer Annoncer MC-er
1.034 visninger | Oprettet:  FølgFølg ikke 13 Svar

Did anyone of you receiving calls from blackmailer ? Did anyone of you receiving calls from blackmailer ?

Hey guys, sorry that I write in English.
My bike was stolen, maybe 1 and a half years ago, and since then some Arab guy calling me and says he knows where it is.

He wants me to transfer money first then he will say where the bike is.
He does not want to meet, or send a photo of my bike.
His arguments are: he saying that he only knows where it is, and that he is not a thief himself.

Though he says that he would give his name, and that I could pay over mobile pay.

I went to bank, and bank said that they would help me to get the money back in bad scenario, but needs police involvement. I went to police 999 times, and police refuses to help all the time.

I'm thinking that this blackmailer does not have my bike, but why would he then keep calling and texting me for so long ?

If I give him the money, he could just disappear. But there is slight chance that he actually knows where it is. I don't know.
What would you guys advice in this case ?
I'm also wondering if it is only me in this forum, who got their bike stolen receives such messages and calls ?


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Did anyone of you receiving calls from blackmailer ?

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